
No. Date Reports
84 September 10, 2010 Asensio.com Releases Report on NASDAQ Official’s Questionable Dealings.

83 September 10, 2010 Another NASDAQ Official in China Discovered to Have Questionable Ties to NASDAQ-Listed Chinese Reverse Mergers.

82 March 12, 2010 Another NASDAQ Bell-Ringing Controversy: YUII

81 January 7, 2010 CSKI Erroneously Touts Its “High Ethical Standards” while NASDAQ Continues Its Supposed Listing Review.

80 December 30, 2009 As NASDAQ pursues its “just list them” policy China’s “huge fraud” makes headlines.

79 December 22, 2009 Bodisen and Wey’s Connections to NASDAQ’s Chinese Reverse Merger Mill Exposed.

78 December 22, 2009 NASDAQ’s Conflicts in Pegasus and Xu Raise Questions About Its Regulatory Reliability.

77 December 22, 2009 Top Chinese NASDAQ Official’s Resignation Raises Questions about NASDAQ’s Disclosures.

76 September 29, 2009 AIG’s Equity Value Fixed at $0.001 Per Share.

75 May 15, 2009 Manuel P. Asensio’s Comment on Timminco on Canada’s Business News Network.

74 October 14, 2008 Timminco news articles archive.

73 May 14, 2008 asensio.com Timminco reports archive.

72 April 1, 2008 asensio.com on Canada’s highest rated business news show.

71 April 26, 2006 Exactly Who is Chairman Cox Protecting?

70 February 6, 2005 Alaska’s Attorney General Renkes forced to resign over KFx dealings.

69 February 2, 2005 Renkes’ testimony labeled unconvincing and questionable.

68 January 25, 2005 Alaskans well prepared to review Bundy’s Renkes report.

67 January 18, 2005 Alaska Attorney General must be held accountable for role in KFx promotion.

66 January 11, 2005 Former U. S. Attorney finds Renkes’ KFx dealings violated code.

65 December 7, 2004 Former U.S. Attorney calls Renkes “totally unfit”.

64 November 1, 2004 Renkes “the-broker-did-it” cover-up comes under attack.

63 October 28, 2004 Governor places limits to Renkes investigation.

62 October 27, 2004 Anchorage Daily News: Renkes works on vow to sell KFx stock, donate profits

61 October 27, 2004 KFx being drawn into Alaska investigation.

60 October 20, 2004 KFx haunts Renkes.

59 October 5, 2004 Renkes refuses to take questions at press conference.

58 October 4, 2004 Renkes now tied to Jefferies and Kanturk.

57 October 1, 2004 Renkes throws KFx overboard in attempt to save himself.

56 September 30, 2004 Alaska’s Attorney General caught in KFx’s web.

55 September 30, 2004 Alaska Attorney General’s compromising dealings uncovered.

54 September 30, 2004 Attorney General’s foolish KFx dealings violate fair public policy.

53 May 3, 2002 Hemispherx continues to attempt to renew its over 13-year-old fraudulent AIDS promotion.

52 February 22, 2002 Hemispherx’s questionable defamation case under jury deliberation.

51 February 22, 2002 Jury finds Asensio did not defame Hemispherx.

50 February 2, 2002 New letter to Congress on significance of Hemispherx’s corporate irresponsibility.

49 January 28, 2002 NASD’s AMEX censured, floor chief barred and Chairman resigns as a result of the GAO’s investigation of its harassment of Asensio & Company, Inc.

48 January 28, 2002 AMEX failure leads to congressional investigation.

47 December 18, 2001 Even Carter’s co-conspirator objects to smallpox claims.

46 December 18, 2001 Hemispherx grossly misrepresents AHRQ report.

45 December 18, 2001 AMEX failed to close down Hemispherx’s warrant fraud.

44 December 18, 2001 HEB uses anti-terrorism scam in latest AMEX pump and dump operation, reports Asensio & Company.

43 November 21, 2001 Even Carter’s co-conspirator objects to latest scam.

42 October 2, 2001 AMEX’s Hemispherx stock fraud exceeds 30 million shares.

41 September 25, 2001 Ampligen and its clinical trials found flawed and useless, reports Asensio & Company, Inc.

40 February 8, 2001 Hemispherx issues yet another false and fraudulent release.

39 July 26, 2000 FDA charges Hemispherx with false and misleading Ampligen promote.

38 July 25, 2000 Hemispherx cited in three criminal indictments.

37 June 8, 2000 Asensio wins against Hemispherx.

36 June 1, 2000 KPMG terminates its five-year audit relationship with Hemispherx.

35 April 19, 2000 Hemispherx’s forced to make damning admissions.

34 March 17, 2000 Hemispherx charged with deception by AIDS organization. UCI denies having received Hemispherx’s alleged research grants.

33 August 10, 1999 Hemispherx continues attempts to control its stock trading.

32 August 10, 1999 Letter to FDA regarding Hemispherx cost recovery.

31 July 29, 1999 Yet another fraudulent stock promoter tied to Hemispherx.

30 July 14, 1999 Hemispherx fabricates false quotes from CFIDS Network.

29 July 13, 1999 Hemispherx’s Dr. Carter tied to “advocacy group” promotion of Ampligen despite FDA violation notice and restriction.

28 May 21, 1999 Hemispherx officers tied to other manipulated stocks.

27 May 13, 1999 AMEX fails to commence enforcement action against Hemispherx.

26 May 13, 1999 Compilation of Hemispherx’s false and fraudulent investor representations.

25 May 11, 1999 Hemispherx analyst makes false Ampligen HIV efficacy claims despite failed test and FDA violation notice.

24 March 18, 1999 Hemispherx Suffers Major Loss in Federal Court.

23 December 8, 1998 Leading researchers find CFS to be psychosomatic.

22 November 18, 1998 Hemispherx report reveals insider “pump and dump” operation.

21 October 28, 1998 Hemispherx issues false and exaggerated CFS prevalence rates.

20 October 28, 1998 Hemispherx’s CFS prevalence disclosures proven false.

19 October 28, 1998 Hemispherx confirms failure to disclose FDA violation.

18 October 27, 1998 FDA determines Hemispherx’s Ampligen claims violate regulations.

17 October 27, 1998 Hemispherx issues blatantly false FDA infraction statement.

16 October 14, 1998 Hemispherx’s hubris expands to legal profession.

15 October 14, 1998 Hemispherx CFS Phase III and orphan approvals found to be six years old.

14 October 13, 1998 Ampligen Safety Profile.

13 October 12, 1998 Hemispherx’s CFS conference presentations widely ignored.

12 October 8, 1998 Hemispherx distributes fraudulent Oprah Winfrey videotape.

11 October 1, 1998 Dr. Carter’s DuPont and Stratton-Oakmont assertions show intent to defraud.

10 October 1, 1998 Asensio & Company denies all charges in Hemispherx’s press release.

9 October 1, 1998 Hemispherx exposed to FDA sanctions.

8 September 30, 1998 Hemispherx attempts to prevent stock sale.

7 September 30, 1998 Hemispherx attempts to use false CFS prevalence rate in attempt to defraud investors.

6 September 30, 1998 Letter to FDA concerning Hemispherx violation of FDA regulations.

5 September 30, 1998 Hemispherx continues fraudulent stock promotion.

4 September 24, 1998 Hemispherx Announces Deal with Convicted Former-NCI Researcher.

3 September 22, 1998 Hemispherx’s Ampligen has no medical or economic value.

2 September 22, 1998 Asensio & Company, Inc. releases research report on Hemispherx Biopharma.