Calling Timminco Limited (TSX: TIM C$28.50) “an unprofitable smelter” and referring to Eric Sprott’s IPO as a “pull off” and Photon Consulting’s media buffoonery, Barron’s published an article titled “Timminco Holder’s IPO is One to Avoid” in its May 19, 2008 edition.
The Barron’s article also noted Timminco’s use of its unregulated paid promoter to circulate unfounded earnings estimates and Timminco’s attempts to silence its critics.
Even before Timminco started using unregulated paid promoters its analysts were regurgitating Timminco’s self-attributed and unverified cost and capacity claims without restraint. These uninformed analysts have caused Timminco, a tightly-held penny stock before the promotion commenced, to trade at over $3.6 billion
Click here to view the most recent Barron’s article.